As we are coming upon the Easter Season, it is a hallowed and special time for me. This is a time when I think of the inhumanity of man and also the charity and love of my Savior.
I know with all of my heart that Jesus is indeed the very Christ, the literal Son of our Eternal Father in Heaven, the one who was referred to as Jehovah in the Old Testament. Our Savior left his glorious realm on high to come to this earth to gain a physical body of flesh and bones. How else could the Savior know how to succor His flock if He had not walked the same journey? How would he know how to heal my wounded spirit at night if He had not also sought guidance through prayer to our Father in Heaven? How else would He know about pain, my afflictions, how it feels to lose someone through the separation of death unless He had walked that same lonely pathway as well? Would He know what it feels like to be hungry unless He, who was the creator of this earth, hungry himself?
I love to read the stories of Jesus in the New Testament. I close my eyes and I am there with the shepherds as the glories of the heavens were opened to them and angels proclaimed the birth of Jesus Christ. I am there in my mind as the Savior feeds the hungry and I listen in rapture and spiritual delight to his Sermon on the Mount. I see His compassion and majesty as He heals a leper and restores eyesight to the blind. I am struggling with the apostles as they try to keep their boat afloat only to see the Savior rebuke the rough waters and the waters are still. I was also there on that crucial night when He broke bread and provided wine for what is known as the Last Supper and as He, the Lord of Lords, humbled himself as a servant and washed and dried the dusty feet of each apostle. I anguished with Him as our Savior, the King of Kings, the Lord over Heaven and Earth, committed Himself unto will of God and into the hands of evil men, who did horrendous and horrible things to our Savior. I wept with the women and our Savior's dear friends as His spirit left His body on the bloody cross at Calvary. I weep with joy and gladness because I was there with Mary, with Peter, John, Thomas, and all the other apostles of our Lord and Savior, when He appeared to them as a resurrected being and loosened the bands of death.
I know because of the Savior's atonement, His resurrection, along with His perfect life, that I will be resurrected as well. It is my earthly conduct that will determine if I live with Him, my Heavenly Father, along with my family and friends after I die in a state of never ending happiness.