Monday, March 29, 2010

The Dos and Don'ts of Loading Your Dishwasher

:o)  Hmmmmmm!  Loading a dishwasher should be as simple as, say ... 'counting pennies'.  Unfortunately in this techno-savvy world, we (or at least I am) are becoming too self reliant on doing things fast and haphazardly. For this entry I thought I'd move into a whole new direction and focus my attention on an article I read about the 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' of dishwasher protocol. - - I don't know how many times I'll go to unload my dishwasher only to find food still caked on dishes or chunks of tomatoes stuck in and on the silverware. The article I'm referring to was written by Emily Hsieh, Shin Staff on March 16, 2010, I would just like to copy it, word for word' for any other dishwasher challenged individual.

"The dos and don'ts of loading your dishwasher

My husband and I are divided when it comes to loading the dishwasher. My methodology is aimed at space efficiency.  I line up all the plates on one side, all the cups on the other, and anything random/big in the middle. His technique, or lack of, is completely haphazard - he just throws things in the machine in the first empty spot he sees (which means only about half as many dishes fit). And as it turns out, as was reported in The New York Times, there is actually a science to this, and my approach could use some finessing too.  Here are some pointers from the Consumer Reports Home and Garden Blog to help your dishwasher perform at its best, and to prevent your dishes from chipping:
  1. Load large items at the sides and back of the dishwasher, so that they don't block water and detergent from reach other dishes.
  2. Place the dirtier side of dishes toward the ccenter of the machine to provide more exposure to the spray. Don't let dishes or utnesils nest, or rest side vy side, which can prevent water from reaching all surfaces.
  3. Use the top rack for plastic and delicate items that are dishwasher safe.
  4. Rest glassware on prongs to prevent breakage. And to prevent chipping, make sure that china, crystal, and stemware don't touch each other. Don't machine-wash brass, bronze, cast iron, disposable plastics, gold colored flatware, gold-leaf china, hollow-handle knives, pewter, tin, or anything made of wood or with a wood handle.
  5. Load silverware with handles down but place knives with the handles up. If your dishwasher as an open basket, mix spoons, forks, and knives to prevent them from sticking together.
  6. Place items with baked-on food facedown and toward the sprayer in the bottom rack."
'Shine on' clean and sparkling dishes and utensils!!!


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